To get started with Lambda expressions in Java 8 I have found that there was no simple explanation, so here is it its basic form for everyone to understand.
First of all look at this implementation of the Animal Interface. you will notice there are lots of unnecessary boilerplate code.
They are all Highlighted in the code:
package showlambda;
interface Animal {
void eat();
class Dog implements Animal {
public void eat() {
System.out.println("Feed me Anything");
class Cat implements Animal {
public void eat() {
System.out.println("Feed Me Meat");
public class ShowLambda {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Cat c = new Cat();;
Dog d = new Dog();;
We dont have to declare the classes we can create one Anonymously like so:
package showlambda;
interface Animal {
void eat();
public class ShowLambda {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Animal anonymousdog;
Animal anonymouscat;
anonymousdog = new Animal() {
public void eat() {
System.out.println("Feed me Anything anonymously :-)") ;
anonymouscat = new Animal() {
public void eat() {
System.out.println("Feed me Meat anonymously :-)") ;
But we are still stuck with all the boilerplate code.
The only thing that we really require is the implementation code and this is where the lambda comes in,
Now we don’t have to mention the eat method since there is only one:
package showlambda;
interface Animal {
void eat();
public class ShowLambda {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Animal anonymousdog;
Animal anonymouscat;
anonymousdog = () ->
System.out.println("Feed me Anything Yeah Lambda :-)") ;
anonymouscat = () ->
System.out.println("Feed me Meat Yeah Lambda :-)") ;
Since there is just one line of code to implement eat we can even simplify it more:
package showlambda;
interface Animal {
void eat();
public class ShowLambda {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Animal anonymousdog;
Animal anonymouscat;
anonymousdog = () -> System.out.println("Feed me Anything Yeah Lambda :-)") ;
anonymouscat = () -> System.out.println("Feed me Meat Yeah Lambda :-)");;;
Now to show how to implement a parameter:
package showlambda;
interface Animal{
void eat(String food);
public class ShowLambda {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Animal anonymousdog;
Animal anonymouscat;
anonymousdog = (food) -> System.out.println("Feed me Anything Yeah Lambda :-) Parameter :" + food) ;
anonymouscat = (f) -> System.out.println("Feed me Meat Yeah Lambda :-) Parameter :" + f);"Dog Food");"Cat Food");