Here is the steps I followed to get the domain controller’s SSL CA cert and configure PHP with LDAP to do LDAPS authentication on Active Directory (Domain Controller AD).
To get the CA cert
you will see all the values but what we are interested in is the –BEGIN CERTIFICATE — and –END CERTIFICATE—
so save all the output to a file :
openssl s_client -connect YOUR_WINDOWS_DOMAIN_NAME.YOUR_DOMAIN_EXTENTION:636 > ca_cert.pem
then edit it: vi ca_cert.pem (or xed ca_cert.pem) and delete everything only leaving the –BEGIN CERTIFICATE — …. –END CERTIFICATE— including the –BEGIN CERTIFICATE — and –END CERTIFICATE— tages.
Rename the file to a more descriptive name for your CA
mv ca_cert.pem MyCA.pem
To make sure you have the right Domain you can always do a nslookup to verify the domain controllers.
set type=ANY
To see where the cert dir is located do a : openssl version -d
(Mine was /etc/openssl/certs)
so I copy
cp ca_cert.pem /etc/openssl/certs
and to create the HASH (You can do below or try running c_rehash in /etc/openssl/certs )
openssl x509 -noout -hash -in ca-certificate-file
grab the output hash (ie 23456789d)
then do a link
ln -s MaCA.crt 23456789d.0
openssl s_client -connect ANY_OF_THE_LDAP_SERVERS_GET_LIST_FROM_NSLOOKUP:636 -CAfile
/etc/ssl/certs/MyCA.pem -verify 0
Here is the tricky part. I have found that my PHP does not pick up the changes I have made on /etc/openldap/ldap.conf .
but start there first edit : xed /etc/openldap/ldap.conf (or vi /etc/openldap/ldap.conf if you prefer)
add these lines:
TLS_CACERT /etc/ssl/certs/23456789d.0
You can always add this to ensure that you accept all certificates
now test and to see any errors you can do a
sudo tail -f /var/log/apache2/error_log to see the errors
If it does not work (Like on my UNIX box HP-UX) then on your phpinfo(); page under “Environment” look for variable HOME and lets say its
cp /etc/openldap/ldap.conf /srv/www/.ldaprc
Now when its configured now you can use Active Directory Include from Source Forge